Thursday, 6 October 2011

Relationship buffers...


·         You don’t have the power to change any body (God’s power changes people)

·         NO man is an Island, therefore you don’t have all to make you what you should be, seek God to bring Godly people across your path.

·         There is no need patching through an ungodly or unfulfilling relationship, seek wisdom to wisely and peacefully disengage from such relationships.

·         No person dead or alive SHOULD choose a “To marry’ relationship for you, every body in your life should be in the advisory or counseling position (though this should not give us the reason to disobey Godly Authority over our life)

·         When choosing marital relationships, our Parents and Pastors should be informed before going to the alter so that they can help check our hearts, plans and even the Person you want to marry Prayerfully, through Questions and Experiential discernment.

·         Every relationship has a time frame attached to it e.g.
o    Seasonal Relationships (Don’t cling to it when it’s over)
o    Eternal Relationships.(Cling to it with all your life as your life depend on it)e.g. Relationship with Jesus.
o    For-Ever relationships e.g. Marital Relationships, Close Family blood ties and very few friends (Marital Relationships are for ever, though not eternal so MAKE IT WORK)

·         Relationships are like vacuum boxes, you can only get from it what you have put in, so learn to cultivate and make your relationships work.

·         Do not major only on who “To marry”, but seek other healthy platonic relationships.(Define the relationship from the beginning)

·         There should always be a “Purpose” in every relationship you are in; there should be a COMMON FRONT. (Ask yourself the reason why you are in the relationship)

·         Run Away from relationships that sap and weaken you of energy, time, Money and even Self Esteem.

     Stay tuned for more…. And please do acknowledge when you use this information somewhere else.

