There is the need to see that we cant but WORSHIP the ONLY TRUE WISE GOD... holla out to your loved ones and lets do this together, for OUR GOD.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
act, based on how you FEEL...
You are thinking of Marrying him based on what you
feel?.. NOoooo.
just saw a mobile application now that Guys can download on
their mobile phones ..
this application has over 100 ways a lady can be tripped
and treated to make her fall in love with a a man..
haaaa, I laugh..
every one is going all diplomatic now
hiding the real person...
make sure it is love and that God is leading you on..
take it slow and get to know properly
dont tell me, nobody told you,
you have heard nowww..///
Take it slow get to know him//
Make it work... takia
Thursday, 8 March 2012
It was all smiles and dancing as Johnson Okoro Williams and former Miss Adaeze Ebenezer got married in the Church of the Sanctimonious Assembly, Abuja. On the band stand at the reception which was held at the Aso Rock Main Hall was the trio of the Elegant Stallion Onkaka Uzowenu, Dammy Pokoso and the American based Gospel sensation Mattew Billings. It was a well attended reception party as Legislators, politicians, Clergy, technocrat and the gentlemen of the press attended.
After about seven [4] hours of partying the Married couples were flown in a presidential jet to The Island of Malta where they will be for two [2] weeks before they are flown to be in audience with the Queen of England at Buckingham Palace in honour of the celebration of the newly married Mrs Adaeze Okoro Williams....
The Engagement ring and wedding ring cost a whooping 12 million naira, bridal dress [2million] etc... To crown it all the couple were given a 7 bed roomed ensuite house at VGC Lagos with an Olympic sized swimming pool and and a small mini hall full of indoor games. Altogether the guest list, gifts, rings, honeymoon and everything has set this wedding apart from all other wedding celebrations in Africa and indeed the world though second to only the 1981 wedding between Prince Charles and Lady Diane wedding. This wedding is already being tagged ‘’wedding of the century’’. The National Reel bulletin [June14th 2011]
You will remember in our June 14th 2011 Edition where we reported the wedding of the century between Johnson Okoro Williams and former Miss Adaeze Ebenezer. We now have it on good authority that the marriage is over and both of the parties have agreed to the dissolution of the marriage. The divorce was filed by the husband Barrister Johnson Okoro Williams in Abuja recently. As at the time of this report [8months and 4days after the grand wedding] the bride has moved out of the matrimonial home in VGC and moved into her recently purchased home somewhere off Oba Akran in Ikeja area of Lagos. We will be bringing you more news after now, stay tuned. The National Reel bulletin [March 4th 2012]
Yes even if money happens to be the answer to all things... and a temporary provider of happiness, it will not and has never been an answer to all things. Am reminded of the Series title by James Hadley chase ‘’What’s better than Money’’ and I am tempted to reel out and quickly Itemise all the stuff I can think of but let’s slow down here and really get a good grasp of our theme of discussion.
Money will buy the things that will keep you happy momentarily but will definately not buy you LOVE or would you know anyone who has purchased true LOVE via money? Where this has been practiced it has had a bad repercussion. [money can’t buy you TRUE love]
Money will not buy you good health, marital faithfulness, good character, an inbred talent, a Michael Jackson’s kind of voice etc...
Money will certainly buy you a great cook, a Jacuzzi, physical security, all the beautiful antique or great Art collections.
In fact statistics show that the marriages of most successful and wealthy people have broken down more than ordinary people living everyday lives.
A.R a super duper motivational speaker has been married more than once.
Donald T.: several times
Liz T.: over 4times
Even rich sports folks have not had the best of marriages inspite of their wealth.
Bottom-line: stop / don’t choose a marriageable partner simply because they are rich or wealthy. And of course we are not asking us to marry a pauper. Rather look for top and solid marriageable qualities in them:
A sound and pristine character: don’t judge an individual based on their reputation or personality alone, get to know the person properly proper.
A person with a vision and not an ambition [marry a visionary]
Good people skills etc...
Don’t marry:
An emotional wreck regardless of how rich they are
A drug addict
A person who revels in Alcohol
A chronically secretive person etc...
PS: this is a very controversial subject but I always like to tell the strongly opinionated people who disagree to go ahead and try out what they believe is not true and then come back to tell us there story:
Play it safe , don’t marry someone because of their MONEY, WEALTH etc...
Be sure
Double sure
Sure as SURE...
Banjo ORE.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
how you can be found by the RIGHT man [your dream man] the strategies.
I think its safe to say there are more ladies looking for life partners than guys and in most part of the world there is the ‘’culture’’ that it is the man who should ask the lady out and not vice versa..
But there is nothing wrong with knowing how to position yourself well as a lady for the right man to see….
A career banker who is also interested in marrying a banker will certainly not do well to seek for friendship on the tracks or in a gymnasium not because she cannot meet a career banker in a gym. But because the chances are slim when compared to meeting him in a conference, and other corporate functions. [Of course God does miracles] but please remember that God gave us mental powers to think wisely too.
Please see tips on how you can position yourself below or let’s say how you can be found?
How to be Found
Discover who you are?
Find something to do?
Go back to school, if you want a graduate for a husband
Develop yourself in line with the guy you want to marry
Spiritual Exercises (Holiness, Obedience, Giving, Positive Thoughts etc…)
Locate the town where God wants you to stay
Be Emotionally intelligent
Use the Power of leverage Link up with: you will end up marrying somebody’s cousin, nephew, friend, colleague etc..
Serve in a church for the right reasons and make sure the leadership know you well, who knows]
Discover who you are?
Find something to do?
Go back to school, if you want a graduate for a husband
Develop yourself in line with the guy you want to marry
Spiritual Exercises (Holiness, Obedience, Giving, Positive Thoughts etc…)
Locate the town where God wants you to stay
Be Emotionally intelligent
Use the Power of leverage Link up with: you will end up marrying somebody’s cousin, nephew, friend, colleague etc..
Serve in a church for the right reasons and make sure the leadership know you well, who knows]
Serve in an N.G.O or a non-profit organization
LOVE YOU…. Love yourself
Laugh. laugh. and I mean Laugh
Develop yourself mentally [be in-tune, be aware, be brilliant]
Learn to converse
Package yourself well. [Get some poise in there]
Have the right friends
Have the right friends
What else can I say about [ Attitude. Arrogance. Character. Waywardness]
Become good friends first…
take care.
take care.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
sexually relating with two men and realy loving the third [I think I need help]...
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I am not a Christian and don’t plan to be except of cause God destines that I am one, of cause this is not the reason n why I am writing this my story to you or who ever will read it from your blog.
I am from a polygamous family and my dad married 3 wives who sincerely tried to leave in peace and understanding even when my daddy dies.
Daddy was a very quite and honest individual as his friends said and as the society saw him. He managed to build a large six [6] bed-roomed bungalow house before he died, each wife took one room each with my Daddy occupying the big large room close to the family parlor and the other two rooms were boys and Girls room as the case maybe.
My daddy died when I just entered my year one in a federal university in the Northern part of Nigeria [I am 23 yrs old and in 200 level in the faculty of sciences] I was never trained in any trade or passion because we were always Inside the house. [Female children] but unfortunately he had facilitated by betrothal to the son of his childhood friend and everyone in the town where we live know that I am espoused to Ahmed Gobiri [not real name] who I do not like at all. He is 12 years older than I am , he does not show any signs of wanting to leave the town where he lives and to crown it all he so loves to chew Kola nut which has stained all his teeth [he actually is a fine tall man] but I detest marrying him, But ironically he has supported my large family dedicatedly because ever since daddy dies feeding and other things have been very difficult for us [13 children in all and 3 wives] I happen to be the first child as my Mum is the first Wife.
The Issue here is that I hardly go home as a result of the hardship at home but even send money home once in a while as a student, it will be safe to say I am currently going out with three men and I have had sex with two of them and in constant romance with my university boyfriend.
They are:
My espoused would be husband
2. My Very Good benefactor who gives me money regularly for my studies and up keep
3. My campus Boyfriend [400 levels] who I have come to know the meaning of love with.
I have of course not told my campus boyfriend that I will marry him as he is aware of my money bag friend who gives me money [for school fees, upkeep and send some home] and he will of course know I spend the weekend wit him once in a while but he still finds it so easy to be my friend and be everywhere with me on campus.
My Betrothed husband in my town only calls and hardly sends me money but he never cease to buy me native cloths, veils and look in on my extended family etc…
so do I live my betrothed would be husband and damn the consequences of doing that [you dare not go against your parents, family, religion and culture where I am from] but I do not love him or any of his ways
I am fond of my money bag who is married but is so sympathetic to my situations and gladly pay all my bills [if he was not married and from my place it would have been easy to marry him]
My campus boyfriend is my Joy, he is from the west and has taught me how to browse, socialize, relate and know what romantic love is. He is a Christian.
So why write all this? Well who knows someone might have something to say that will help concerning my case seeing that I don’t have very close friends and have never had good counselors hence my taking advantage of this forum.
I wish I can only have one boyfriend and be a saint that God expect me to be but this are the situations am contending with... any advice will be appreciated.
Monday, 31 October 2011
The heart is not so smart...
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Medically the size of your clenched fist is said to be like the size of your heart meaning that our heart is actually small when compared to the functions that it has been designed for it to do and of course the functions we have all allotted to it to do.
God designed the heart to pump blood to the other part of the body hence it is a very important part of our life if not the most important part.
However many of us have attempted and is still using the heart to feel and use as an umpire for love///
How wrong we have all been.
Your heart is not as smart for that... it can pump blood etc... But to know and judge if you are truly in love or if someone loves you? that is a NO NO NO
Commonsense and pure brainstorming spiced with prayers can do a whole lot better you know.
Poetically one could use the heart as a tool for love and all that but realistically it is the sane mind which is our brains that we should use in place of our heart and of course where you need to pray to God then you use your Spirit.
SO the next time you are in love... don’t let your heart go on a YES. YES. YES. Spree, think it through, pray it through and wait it out properly / patiently
Don’t neglect the place of your commonsense too.... I mean putting 2 and 2 together can assist in ways... But in the long wrong run, it is what you hear from God that will in the final analysis put your heart and mind at rest.
Make sure you have a beautiful life.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
The reasons why men cheat...
Cheating is an age long tradition and habit of men and believe me sometimes they do it because of their egos and not because they are being starved of love in the first place.
So why do men cheat in relationships’ even though they all know that cheating is wrong?
v When they are offered the chance to do it by a flirting female [men can hardly turn down things like this]
v It boosts their ego.
v The other woman appears not to be meeting his needs as he expected
v As a way of revenge [men can sometimes revenge in several ways] if he is hurt by the spouse he may be sucked into the arms of another woman who is ready to submit to him. A man will also sometimes cheat if he finds out his partner was cheating on him. How else is he supposed to heal those hurt feelings of his but through good old fashioned sex'
v You argue a lot. Men will sometimes cheat to get away from an overly critical or argumentative partner and into the arms of an adorable princess who has no problems with his ‘’Farting’’ etc…
v If your sex life sucks as in you are close to being labeled a dead wood [men like collaborative sex] they want you to tell them, waow you are so great in bed... Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try.
Some men get tired of having rice for dinner every night and want to try pounded Yam laced with Dodo chips; this also goes for sex with other women. Hence men don't necessarily always cheat with prettier women, as long as she meets their needs, then she is welcome. [She doesn’t have to be more attractive than their partners]
Some men get tired of having rice for dinner every night and want to try pounded Yam laced with Dodo chips; this also goes for sex with other women. Hence men don't necessarily always cheat with prettier women, as long as she meets their needs, then she is welcome. [She doesn’t have to be more attractive than their partners]
v If he has found you to be a softie, even if he is caught again like you have always caught him, you will end up forgiving him and it all ends with a great make up sex.
Conclusion: Men are more complex than you imagine and believe me they are smarter if you are smart, they are like the proverbial crocodile that ends up shedding a few tears when it swallows up its victims.
BUT please note that no reason is good enough reason to CHEAT ON YOUR SPOUSE AND HURT THE OTHER PERSON, s life.
IF YOU ARE NO MORE INTERESTED IN THE REALTIONSHIP [IF YOU ARE NOT MARRIED] then disengage honorably before you start cheating on her, and take the care to choose well the next time so that you don’t end up being a serial courtier.
Other Reasons can be
The Devil
Bad friends
Family background
Stress at home…… the woman “beats” the man [and is actually the breadwinner of the home]
Sympathy from outside…..
ΓΌ Please Note that this is not saying that Men are always right or even right when they cheat, but pls. use this information well to your advantage.
You can add other reasons if you like.
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